Love Planet Earth 2021 calendar – Telespazio and e-GEOS collaborate with National Geographic Italia for first time ever

The big issues that underpin the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for the UN’s 2030 Agenda – such as desertification, the lack of safe and clean water, and pollution caused by the use of plastic – are at the heart of the Love Planet Earth 2021 calendar. Combining the beauty of satellite images and the power of fine art photography, this year’s calendar sees Telespazio and e-GEOS collaborating with National Geographic Italia for the first time.

Presented by the two Leonardo Group companies, the 13th edition of the calendar is also the first initiative dedicated to Telespazio’s 60th anniversary. The company was founded in 1961, at the dawn of the Space Age, and over the coming 12 months, Telespazio will look back over its past, interwoven with the history of space in Italy, Europe and around the world. Just as importantly, the company will also promote its vision of the future, focusing on sustainability and the constant drive for innovation.

The Love Planet Earth 2021 calendar deals with “Sustainability and development: reconcilable necessities for the planet’s future”, and offers a reflection on the major goals set by the UN’s 2030 Agenda. Matters such as respecting biodiversity, sustainable mobility and the need for cities to be greener, are highlighted each month by a pair of images: one from a satellite provided by e-GEOS and the other by National Geographic Italia.

From Germany to Peru, via Italy and the Maldives, the e-GEOS images offer a global tour that shed light on the day-to-day challenges facing peoples and cultures, as they attempt – often in far from ideal conditions – to reconcile sustainability and development. The spectacular images produced by e-GEOS are seen through the eyes of first and second generation Italian COSMO-SkyMed satellites, and by the constellations of the leading Earth Observation operators worldwide.

Thanks to e-GEOS’s partners, Love Planet Earth 2021 presents an extraordinary set of previously unseen views of our planet. The calendar is part of Telespazio’s, e-GEOS’s and Leonardo’s commitment to addressing the issues of environmental sustainability and social responsibility. It is hoped the calendar will highlight the adverse effects of global expansion and its negative impact planet Earth, while at the same time demonstrating the positive role the space sector can play in contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Love Planet Earth 2021 calendar