Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (U-UAZ) of Russian Helicopters Holding Company (part of Rostec State Corporation) and the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters signed an agreement within the frames of the Eastern Economic Forum to supply four Mi-8AMTSh-VA Arctic helicopters.
The document was signed by Alexey Kozlov, Managing Director of U-UAZ, and Viktor Yatsutsenko, Deputy Head of the Russian EMERCOM. Under the terms of the agreement, a firm contract for the delivery of four Mi-8AMTSh-VA helicopters for the ministry will be concluded in September 2021. Two helicopters will be delivered to the customer in 2022, and two more in 2023.
“The helicopters of this modification have already flown several thousand hours in the Arctic and have proven to be excellent in the harsh northern conditions. The unique system for heating the transmission units allows the helicopter to promptly start the engines even in the most severe frost, which is extremely important for organizing emergency response groups’ flights,” emphasized Alexey Kozlov, Managing Director of U-UAZ.
“This agreement is important for the development of the security system in the Arctic zone. Such helicopters are indispensable in extinguishing natural fires, can perform medical evacuations and deliver rescuers to hard-to-reach areas. They are designed to work in the conditions of northern latitudes, which are characterized by low temperatures and high wind loads. The new helicopters will go into service of the Arctic units of the Russian EMERCOM to protect the population and territories of the Arctic region of the Russian Federation and ensure the safety of the Northern Sea Route,” said Viktor Yatsutsenko, Deputy Head of the Russian EMERCOM.
Mi-8AMTSh-VA helicopter was specially created for operation in the northern regions with account for the growing need to secure the state interests in the regions of the Arctic and Far North. The main design features include a unique system for heating the oil system and transmission units, which allows prompt start of the helicopter’s engines at temperatures down to -60°С. Mi-8AMTSh-VA is also equipped with improved thermal insulation of the fuselage, heat insulating curtains, equipment for heating of hot rations for the crew and transported personnel.
Long distance flights between base points are provided by installing additional external fuel tanks. When using them the helicopter can fly for more than 7 hours at the range of up to 1,400 km. The safety of the crew and passengers is enhanced through use of special survival suits.
Series production of Mi-8AMTSh-VA helicopter at Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant began in 2015. At present, with account of the practices and operating experience of Mi-8AMTSh-VA helicopter, the first Mi-8AMT civilian helicopter with a similar set of optional equipment for use in the Arctic conditions has been created.