“The science of vertical flight”, Leonardo’s new educational initiative

“The science of vertical flight” is the title of a series of five webinars
“The science of vertical flight” is the title of a series of five webinars

Spreading scientific culture in schools, to support the construction of younger generations’ future. This is the aim of the new webinar cycle launched by Leonardo as part of STEMLab, the programme focused on STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and technological innovation, designed to promote scientific citizenship and the transfer of knowledge from workplace to school.

“The science of vertical flight” is the title of a series of five webinars, conducted by professionals working in Leonardo’s Helicopters business area, designed to introduce and guide high school students to the world of rotary wing aircraft and its products and technologies, and to introduce them to the basic skills required in this sector. By registering on the Digital Education platform, teachers can allow their students to access the webinars.

These are the five modules:

The helicopter: the science behind the dream of flying (27 January 2025)

The first module explores the functioning of helicopters, starting from their historical origins up to modern technological innovations. The aim is to provide a complete and accessible understanding of the complex world of helicopters.

Behind the scenes of vertical flight: helicopter professionals (18 February 2025)

The second module introduces the main professional figures involved in the design and construction of a helicopter, to offer a complete overview of the teamwork necessary to design and build a helicopter.

Aviation of the future: the tilt-rotor revolution (11 March 2025)

The third module analyses the history, operation, and potential of tiltrotors, focusing on the technological innovations introduced, the challenges faced and the expected benefits, especially given the sustainable aviation of the future.

Flying without a pilot: artificial intelligence in the skies (15 April 2025)

The fourth module illustrates the development of technologies that enable unmanned (but remotely piloted) flight and autonomous flight in drones and helicopters, with a focus on the use of artificial intelligence in the development of autonomous systems.

Masters of flight: the crucial role of experimental pilots and instructors (14 May 2025)

The fifth module highlights the two main figures of pilots who operate in Leonardo Helicopters: experimental pilots and instructor pilots. The aim is to highlight the importance of these professions for innovation and safety in the aviation sector.

At the end of the cycle, from the 2025/2026 school year, the webinar recordings will form the new PCTO (Transversal Skills and Orientation Path) entitled “The Science of Vertical Flight”, which will flow into STEMLab, the platform, created on the initiative of Leonardo, which contains educational resources with advanced technological value available to high school teachers.

The new PCTO will join the one, already available, entitled “In volo con Leonardo”, which in the last school year was completed by 2,416 students, for a total in the two editions that is close to 4,500 units, belonging to over 420 schools throughout the Italian territory.

PCTO are paths of the Italian Ministry of Education and Merit, made mandatory for all students in the last three years of high school (replacing the previous “school-work alternation”), in which Leonardo contributes to the educational path of the new generations, enriching their study programmes with training already oriented towards their future work activities.

Visit the dedicated page on the portal educazionedigitale.it, to stay updated on STEMLab and its initiatives.